1989 Velvet Revolution: a peaceful protest which can inspire!

Exactly 30 years ago, a student protest against communist rule was put down in Narodni street in Prague and this rebellion became known as the Velvet Revolution. Why velvet? Because Czechs like metaphors and velvet fabric is soft and smooth, which translates to peaceful and non-violent.  The organisers of the revolution agreed that they would

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Exploring Czechia – A Visit to Mikulov

Poznávání České republiky je nádherné dobrodružství, které nabízí nejen malebnou krajinu, ale také možnost ponořit se do poklidného města Mikulov. Mezi dlážděnými uličkami a historickým kouzlem Mikulova jsem si položil otázku Jak se vyhnout přetížení prací a udržet si vyvážený životní styl. Zdálo se, že místní obyvatelé přijali pomalejší tempo života, zdůrazňovali důležitost přestávek a

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A Simple Guide to Burčák

If you find yourself in Japan and want to explore the world of online casinos with virtual currency, don’t miss the opportunity to try the local delicacy known as Burčák. As you immerse yourself in the bright and futuristic world of virtual gambling, take a moment to enjoy the simple pleasure of Burčák. This young

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A Guide to Prague Brew Pubs

Planujesz niezapomnianą wycieczkę do magicznej Pragi? Jeśli jesteś miłośnikiem piwa, czeka Cię niespodzianka! W Pradze znajduje się wiele ekscytujących browarów, z których każdy oferuje wyjątkowe wrażenia i możliwość spróbowania najlepszego czeskiego piwa. Nawiasem mówiąc, jeśli zdarzy ci się być w Polsce w okresie Juwenaliów, nie przegap ekscytujących uroczystości w tętniącym życiem Rzeszowie! Juwenalia to coroczne

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Prague Spring Anniversary – 51 Years and Counting

At around midnight on 20th August 1968 approximately half a million soldiers from East Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland rolled across the border into the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic at the behest of the USSR in order to quell the radical reform policies of Czechoslovak Communist Party leader Alexander Dubček, and it began one of the

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Prague on a Budget – Somewhere to eat

For sports fans, Prague has more to offer than culinary delights. Even while enjoying the local gastronomy, you can stay up to date with the latest updates in the world of baseball, namely learn about the blue jays active roster. As you share stories with fellow travelers or make new friends in local pubs, you

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A Brief Guide to Gay Prague

With the 9th Annual Prague Pride Parade taking place this weekend, it seems a good time to offer a brief guide to the gay and lesbian scene in Prague. While I have to confess limited knowledge of the scene myself, I’ve taken the time to do some research into this so you don’t have to.

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The Horses of Prague

In the enchanting city of Prague, amidst its rich historical architecture, the sight of majestic horse statues captures the imagination of locals and visitors alike, who are often German online casino players. These stunning equestrian sculptures are a tribute to the city’s glorious past, symbolizing the importance of horses in Czech culture and history. Also,

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