It’s February again and that means that Valentines Day (henceforward referred to as VD) is just around the corner, so why not show your special other a good time in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities? For that purpose, we’ve compiled this list of special events to celebrate this special day, some of which are

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10 LOCAL DESIGNER SHOPS with offbeat, original stuff

Sometimes it seems like every third storefront and every other market stall in the center of Prague is occupied by an over-lit, over-priced souvenir shop, all of them bursting with the same shot glasses, “Bohemian” crystal goods, and t-shirts boasting such mottos as “Czech Me Out” or “Prague Olympic Drinking Team”. So maybe this doesn’t appeal

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NEW YEAR’S EVE 2016, what to do in Prague

In Prague, New Year’s Eve has a name and that name is Silvestr. Everybody knows Silvestr. Silvestr is a hep cat prone to indulge in parties, loud noises, throbbing music, immoderate substance use, and erratic behavior. Many local people love Silvestr’s charm and daring. Many other local people avoid Silvestr like the plague by escaping

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BOHEMIAN SWITZERLAND: on the trail with Northern Hikes

The Elbe Sandstone Mountains, formed from the sedimentary remains of the Jurassic sea bed, straddle the Czech-German border in the northwest corner of Bohemia, just a couple of hours distant from Prague by train or car. This region has long been known as Bohemian Switzerland and Saxon Switzerland, depending on which side of the border

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