It’s February again and that means that Valentines Day (henceforward referred to as VD) is just around the corner, so why not show your special other a good time in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities? For that purpose, we’ve compiled this list of special events to celebrate this special day, some of which are fairly traditional and some of which are not so much. For those of you who prefer not to get involved with VD at all, just scroll to the end of the article to find out how you can avoid VD altogether.
If you want to do the traditional VD thing, then most likely you’ll want to start with some dinner in a fancy restaurant. Here’s a list of a few places you can try, probably none of which will be very kind to your wallet. But hey, VD only happens once a year, right? So splurge, and show your significant other how much you care. As always, reservations are recommended. Click the links below to go their websites.
Caffe Dell’Artista, an Italian cafe becoming a restaurant for one day only, serving candlelit dinner accompanied by live piano music.
Etnosvět (Ethno-world), with a sexy menu designed by an international team headed by a genuine French chef. Romantic, or what?
Venue, offering an ever-changing menu made from produce, selected daily, from Czech farms.
Terasa U Zlaté Studně, for a romantic lunch or dinner served on a terrace with a magnificent view beneath the walls of Prague Castle.
Coda Restaurant, also with live piano music, for dinner surrounded by art including original pieces by Dali and Picasso.
Or maybe you’d prefer to have dinner on a river boat cruise. River Boats Prague is offering a special VD cruise including a four-course dinner with unlimited drinks and live romantic accordion accompaniment.

And what do you do after dinner? You could go dancing. One option is the Valentines Day Salsa and Bachata Live Concert with Latin Soul. Or for the more activist-minded among us, there is Tancem proti násilí / Dancing against violence, an event sponsored by One Billion Rising.
Not a dancer? Then take your love to the theater. You could see Ingeborg Bachmann: Malina at MeetFactory, an alternative performance and art space designed by Czech artist David Černý. Then there’s also The Cement Garden at Švandovo Divadlo, one of the city’s only Czech-language theaters that offers performances with English super titles. While it could be argued that neither of these productions are very romantic, they will definitely be thought-provoking and therefore could provide the basis for a deep lovers’ bonding conversation after the show.
Or maybe you and your soulmate are live music fans. You could take in the Los Angeles garage-punk sounds of the Cosmonauts with support Frank Bigsby and His Satanic Majesty at Underdogs’ Ballroom & Bar, because nothing says “love” like a mosh pit.
And finally, for those of us who prefer not celebrate VD at all and would rather celebrate a recent break-up, a continuation of singleness, or a general listless depression in the face of loneliness, Sad Man’s Tongue Bar & Bistro is having an Anti-Valentines Day Smack Down including karaoka with no love songs allowed and two-for-one shots to drown your sorrows properly.

“Love on the rocks, please. Make it a double.”