15 FUNNY PRAGUE PHOTOS – a possible basis for mild culture shock
No disrespect intended, but sometimes the Czech Republic differs from what outsiders are used to in some relatively humorous ways. Wandering around the country over the years, we’ve come across some things that seem perfectly normal here, but may be apt to raise an eyebrow or earn a smirk from people who aren’t from these parts, including ourselves. Luckily (or not), the easy availability of smart phones and other devices has made it fairly easy to document these fragments of local flavor whenever they’re stumbled across in unexpected places. The following is a collection of such. Hope it makes you smile.
1. Play time…

“Children’s Corner” to the left at the neighborhood restaurant. Don’t worry about the kids. It’s all under control.
2. Moving can be a trip.

Fragile. Handle with care.
3. Sausage lover’s paradise.

“News: pork meat in it’s own juices.”
“Pleased to meet ‘cha. I’m savoury Mrs. Hot Dog.”
Yes, it really says that.
4. Speaking of sausage…

“Striptease” brand chicken franks, wrapped in a thin sheath of latex just waiting to be peeled off. Savoury Mrs. Hot Dog in her younger days.
5. Mastering the art of Tantra.

Ride in comfort to the happy ending of a perfect day.
6. It’s 3:00 a.m. Do you know where your children are?

…probably on their way home from Cross Club.
7. The kids are all right. Anyway, you’ve got your own stuff goin’ on tonight.

For those about to rock, we salute you. (Damn good band, by the way.)
8. A slightly different sense of PC than in other parts of the world.

Google translate for yourselves.
9. Photoshop fail?

Or was the photographer just really on his game that day? We’ll never know. Who cares? It’s “two for the price of one”. Yes, it really says that.
10. In the beginning…

…God made it clear, so that there would be no confusion.
11. Sorry to hear about your uncle…

…we’re sure gonna miss him and his gardening skills. I know your mom thought he was a bad influence, but I thought he was cool.
12. It’s just the risk you take…

…when you order the vegetarian option in non-vegetarian restaurant.
13. Looking out for Man’s Best Friend.
14. There’s no substitute for the real thing.

Who drinks beer out of plastic anyway?
15. And lest we forget…
– Photographs by Mélanie Rada