1989 Velvet Revolution: a peaceful protest which can inspire!

Exactly 30 years ago, a student protest against communist rule was put down in Narodni street in Prague and this rebellion became known as the Velvet Revolution. Why velvet? Because Czechs like metaphors and velvet fabric is soft and smooth, which translates to peaceful and non-violent.  The organisers of the revolution agreed that they would

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NORMALIZATION – what happened after 1968 Prague Spring occupation

We’ve already published a blog post about the 1968 Prague Spring, so this time you will learn what happened after. Those travellers, who participated on our special Communism & Bunker Tour, not only had the unique chance to visit a creepy nuclear shelter, but also to greet the Patron Saint of Czechs, King Wenceslas, who’s statue overlooks the Wenceslas

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10 Czech Christmas Traditions

It’s Christmas. It’s time to slow down, recharge batteries and spend some time with the closest ones and have fun over some Czech traditions and superstitions! Some of them are rather weird, mysterious or heartless, some were forgotten but a few one can still witness during Christmas time in a Czech home. Before the humanking

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